Jun 18, 2016Mixing Sports and Technology
A new integrative sports and technology center will be getting started at the University of Alabama. It will focus on both the development of new technologies as well as applying those that are already in place for athletic use.
According to an article from UA News, the Integrative Center for Athletic and Sport Technology (I-CAST) will have its focus on injury reduction, improving injury recovery, improving performance, and using nutrition in recovery and performance. The leaders and participants for the center will be brought in from across the campus to enhance the cooperative nature of the center.
“I-CAST provides a unifying theme to bring together multiple colleges and departments to address the technical issues facing competitive athletics, but the trickle down effects are expected to reach deeply into other areas such as adapted athletics, health and wellness, rehabilitation, workplace safety and even amateur athletics,” Dr. Tim Haskew, I-CAST director and head of the department of electrical and computer engineering told UA News. “I-CAST will provide a gathering place for those with the needs, those with the technology and those with the ability to market and distribute the solutions to come together and solve real problems.”
Some of the projects envisioned for I-CAST include using virtual reality environments to improve reflex responses, electronic sensors and computer programs to track health markers, and 3-D printing for medical braces and splints. The center is expected to be at full strength in three years.