Nov 8, 2017
Lab Gaining Recognition

The Nebraska Athletic Performance Lab at the University of Nebraska has recently gained recognition for using research-based methods to help athletes achieve optimum performance.

According to The Daily Nebraskan, Tom Osborne first established the lab in order to maximize training efficiency. Dr. Jack Ransone, the lab’s current director, said it seeks to help athletes understand their weaknesses, and how best to overcome them.

“Not only are they called student-athletes but students of the game,” Ransone said. “The best athletes are the ones who are able to learn all the intricacies of the sport.”

The lab conducts various tests on athletes, such as movement assessments, cardiovascular testing and a salivary biomarker test. Many of these tests are intended to help reduce injuries while training.

Ransone said that while the partnerships with players benefited both them and the sciences, the relationships were difficult to develop, particularly when athletes came to the lab having been accustomed to different methods of training.

“We want to put the athletes in the position to do their best and continue to serve as a resource to the staff,” Ransone said.

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