Jan 29, 2015HS Death Blamed On Overhydration
Cherie Miner, MD, a physician at the Andrews Sports Medicine and Orthopedic Center in Birmingham, Ala., told WBRC.com., that while overhydration cases are rare, drinking a large amount of water during a short period of time depletes sodium levels in your body, which causes all the water to shift throughout the body.
“You can’t pee it out fast enough,” said Miner. “It goes into your cells in your body. When it goes into the cells of your brain, the brain expands causing your brain to be herniated. Therefore cause brain death. It’s acute onset. All of a sudden they’ll start to feel nauseous, get confused, may show swelling of hands, feet, and arms.”
To prevent overhydration, Miner recommends frequently drinking small amounts of water.
As preseason practices around the country kick into high gear, athletes, coaches, and sports medicine professionals are constantly reminded about the dangers of dehydration and heat illness. However, as in Oliver’s case, those conversations should also include directions for safe consumption of liquids.
The July/August issue of T&C features an article from John Moyer, Jr., LAT, ATC, Athletic Trainer at Wilson High School in West Lawn, Pa.on taking a team approach to prevent heat illness. You can find that article here.