Apr 14, 2017
Offseason Focus
Kyle Tarp

The University of Maryland men’s basketball team fulfills its offseason performance goals by utilizing a sport-specific speed, strength, and power program. Starting with an extensive evaluation in the spring, workouts are composed of movement prep, basketball speed work, and strength and power lifts. Together, this program ensures our team gets the most out of the offseason.

Below is a detailed look at a sample offseason workout. It starts with movement prep, which is followed by speed work with a lateral emphasis. From there, athletes perform the below exercises. After the strength and power lifting, players perform recovery and regeneration work.

Block 1:

Hang power snatch: 4 x 2 at 75 percent of 1RM

Keiser drop-step chop: 4 x 3 each

Block 2:

Back/front squat: 4 x 3 at 82.5 percent of 1RM (6 seconds each eccentric, explode, up)

TRX inverted row: 3 x 8

ViPR posterior lunge with 3-D reach: 3 x 8

Block 3:

Bench press: 4 x 3 at 82.5 percent of 1RM (6 seconds each eccentric, explode, up)

3-D overhead abs progression: 3 x 8 each

Split-stance vertical contralateral row: 3 x 8 each

Block 4:

Single-leg kettlebell Romanian dead lift: 3 x 8 each

Shoulder-to-overhead dumbbell matrix: 3 x 2 each plane

Unilateral kettlebell suitcase carry: 3 x 30 yards each

Kyle Tarp, MS, CSCS, is Director of Basketball Performance at the University of Maryland, overseeing all aspects of training for the men's basketball team.

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