Jan 11, 2018In the Loop
At Falmouth (Maine) High School, the athletic trainer is using a web-based program to keep track of student-athletes’ care. Coaches, parents, and other individuals who are involved with student-athletes are also included within the system.
An article from The Forecaster explains that the Healthy Roster service aims to keep kids healthy and active. So far in the Falmouth school system, more than 300 student-athletes and their families have signed up to use it.
“One great piece is that the health care providers and the parents are notified of the specific details of the injury and the care plan,” Rob Sullivan, MEd, L/ATC, Assistant Athletic Director and Athletic Trainer at Falmouth, said.
Using this system allows Sullivan to keep a detailed record of student-athletes’ care. Shifting to this system is allowing Falmouth to stay ahead of the curve in terms of the way it treats athletes.
“I believe in time, once we have this really integrated into our high school, it will revolutionize injury care, tracking, and communication of the injured athlete,” Sullivan said. “There is (also) an app that goes along with Healthy Roster that is really helpful for parents to get access to injury info and status updates of their child.”