Dec 7, 2017Head Injuries Covered
While a lot of work has gone into ensuring high school athletes with concussions receive proper treatment, there has been less focus on how to pay for such medical care. Some governing bodies and schools are solving this by offering separate concussion insurance.
The Wisconsin Interscholastic Athletic Association (WIAA) became the fourth state to provide its athletes with insurance specifically covering head injuries earlier this year. “We felt that if we really are concerned about concussions, then we had better put our money where our mouth is,” says WIAA Board of Control President Pam Foegen, who serves as Pupil Services Director at Regis Catholic Schools in Eau Claire, Wis.
Tapping into the HeadStrong Concussion Insurance Program, provided by Dissinger Reed, the cost for the coverage is $1.50 per student per year. The WIAA has chosen to cover the premiums for all athletes in grades 6 to 12, as long as the head injury occurs during participation in a game or practice sanctioned by the association or while traveling to or from a sanctioned event.
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