Sep 3, 2015
Study: Vitamin D Boosts Strength

A new review of seven trials has found that vitamin D supplementation can significantly increase strength in lower and upper limbs. Published in the Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport, the review was conducted by researchers at Queen Mary University of London and included data from 310 adults between 21 and 31 years of age.

As reported at, the trials spanned four to six months and used doses of 4,000 IU per day to 60,000 IU per week. Two studies showed the most significant results, with dosages between 14,000 IU and 60,000 IU per week for four to six months.

“This review has found that vitamin D3 supplementation improves upper and lower limb muscle and strength in a healthy, adult, athletic and non-athletic population between the ages of 18 and 40,” the authors of the study wrote.

Much of the previous research on vitamin D supplementation has focused on muscle strength in already compromised individuals like the elderly. Researchers hope that this new summary of the impact of vitamin D on healthy adults will lead to more studies on the effects of the vitamin on muscle power and endurance.

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