Continuing Education
Developing Expertise
Becoming an expert in an area of athletic training does not happen overnight. However, a number of considerations can put you on the right path… more »
Action on Opioids
With the opioid crisis in America deepening, those in athletics may wonder if they have a role to play in prevention efforts. The Tempe (Ariz.) Union High School District is testing out one possibility… more »
Hindsight is 20/20
Looking back over her 40-year career, there are a few lessons Medfield (Mass.) High School Head Athletic Trainer Maria Hutsick wishes she had learned earlier. She shares them here… more »
ADHD and Concussion
Study suggests an increased risk of anxiety and depression symptoms for student-athletes with ADHD who have had a concussion… more »
Weather the Storm
For those living and working in coastal regions, handling hurricanes is becoming a formidable prospect of late summer. In this multi-part article, athletic trainers share how they made it through Harvey and Irma last year… more »
High Performance
Shifting attitudes surrounding recreational marijuana are changing the ways some colleges view, test for, and address its use among athletes… more »
Partners in Care
When athletic trainers and school nurses work together, the level of care provided only improves. Getting to this point requires communication and mutual respect.
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Injury Sharing Proposed
The Big Ten Conference has asked the NCAA to develop a national football injury reporting system in the wake of a Supreme Court decision to legalize sports betting… more »