Dec 1, 2017
Evaluation Time
Patrick McHenry

The school year is quickly approaching the half way point and winter break is coming soon. This is a good time for a coach to evaluate the first half of their year and their lifting program. The NSCA has developed a “Site Evaluation Worksheet” that covers nine different areas in the high school weight room and a second section on “Student Impact”.

This worksheet is based on the Strength and Conditioning Professional Standards and Guidelines position paper. This 32 question paper is an easy “yes/no” checksheet to show coaches areas that will enhance their strength and conditioning program. Each area was chosen because of its impact on the strength and conditioning facility and ultimately their program.

The Evaluation worksheet will help assess the room, equipment, and operational aspects of a weight room. It does not look at the workouts, exercises or how the exercises are taught. The NSCA has information and programs for “teaching the lifts,” “program design” and “Long Term Athletic Development“.

The Site Evaluation worksheet covers these nine areas:

1. Pre-Participation Screening and Clearance

2. Personnel Qualifications

3. Program Supervision and Instruction

4. Facilities and Equipment Set-up

5. Emergency Planning and Response

6. Records and Record Keeping

7. Equal Opportunity and Access

8. Participation in Strength and Conditioning Activities by Children

9. Supplements, Ergogenic Aids, and Drugs

Click here to downolad the worksheet.

Patrick McHenry, MA, CSCS*D, is the Director of Strength & Conditioning at Castle View (Colo.) High School. He has presented to sport coaches, strength coaches, and physical education teachers at state, national, and international conferences. He is the former Colorado state director for the NSCA, was the chairman for the NSCA High School Special Interest Group, and is currently on the NSCA Board of Directors and Coaching Performance Committee.

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