Please answer each question as thoroughly as possible. There are multiple pages, please use the blue Next button to go to each section.
The author says many teen athletes lack the and necessary for proper stopping, cutting, turning, and landing, which is a main factor in many knee injuries.
To maximize his athletes’ chances of making an impact in college, the author focuses on developing in the weight room.
In order to prevent , Montverde Academy athletes do equal amounts of pushing and pulling upper-body exercises, as well as squatting and hinging lower-body exercises.
In addition to the exercises and lifts the Montverde athletes do, the author also has them concentrate on recovery, specifically on the areas of nutrition and .
If a Montverde athlete is committed to a college that uses a different workout plan than the one Montverde uses, the author integrates the college’s exercises into the athlete’s training.
What did you learn from this article?
How will you apply the information presented in this article to your own practice?
Do you agree with the author’s philosophy of rarely having athletes bench press? Why or why not?
Additional Reading
Dupont, D. Are College Freshmen Prepared for Athletics? (n.d.). Retrieved August 26, 2016, from
DeLongis, B. (2015, June 8) How to Prepare for Collegiate Sports Through the Eyes of a Strength Coach. Retrieved August 26, 2016, from
Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) therapy promotes healing in soft-tissue injuries by introducing an substance into the area.
PRP therapy can be applied in two ways—either directly injected at the site of injury or administered .
One of the toughest challenges following a PRP treatment is keeping student-athletes from using .
PRP therapy always requires multiple injections.
is probably the trickiest aspect of PRP therapy because there’s a lot of uncertainty around it.
Do you agree or disagree that PRP therapy is an effective protocol for treating soft-tissue injuries? Why or why not?
Stoors, C. (2009, December 18) Is Platelet-Rich Plasma an Effective Healing Therapy? Scientific American Retrieved from
Devine, D. (2016, May 4) Stephen Curry had platelet-rich plasma treatment on his right knee. Yahoo! Sports Retrieved from
The author suggests that athletic trainers should seek to obtain CEUs in areas they are the in.
According to the author, continues professional growth by allowing athletic trainers to immerse themselves in topics they are passionate about.
Athletic trainers should seek financial support for their professional development by explaining to employers the requirements they must meet.
Useful professional development opportunities are only available through CEU-granting programs.
The author says that goes hand in hand with professional development.
What benefits can be obtained by serving on athletic training society boards and committees?
Cartwright, L., & Pitney, W. A. (2011). Fundamentals of athletic training. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics.
Siddiqui, F. (2015, January 15). Some reasons why professional development matters. Retrieved August 24, 2016, from
The players competing in the Biggest Loser Competition had specific daily calorie goals to shoot for.
Dartmouth players had two options for training programs during the Biggest Loser Competition. One was a cardio/fitness training protocol. The other was a protocol.
The players were required to stick with the training protocol they picked for the duration of the competition.
Dartmouth football players typically lose about of their bodyweight per month during the team’s Biggest Loser Competition.
One of the reasons the strength staff keeps the standings of the Biggest Loser Competition secret until the end is so players don’t try to .
Do you feel the amount of day-to-day support given to Dartmouth athletes competing in the Biggest Loser Competition is sufficient? Why or why not?
Maese, R. (2016, March 14). A Weighty Issue: Navy Linemen Must Slim Down for Life after Football. The Washington Post. Retrieved August 25, 2016, from
Fukunaga, A. (2011). Nutrition and Fitness Guide for Graduating Student Athletes. Retrieved August 25, 2016 from
The four core values of the Texas A&M University baseball team are , , , and .
The author encourages all of his players to be competitive in everything they do, both on and off the field.
Texas A&M’s offseason programming begins with an , movement screens, and body composition testing.
The author organizes Texas A&M’s offseason training into , which is scheduling high central nervous system (CNS) days and low CNS days in a specific order so that the CNS has time to recover and function at an optimal level.
Traditional core exercises like and are not included in Texas A&M’s offseason training program.
Do you agree or disagree with the author’s views on offseason strength training for college baseball? Why?
Rodmaker, T. (2016, July 6). Injury Prevention in the Youth Pitcher. Retrieved August 26, 2016 from
Coaches Resources: Strength & Conditioning. Retrieved August 26, 2016 from
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