Dear Registered Strength and Conditioning Professional:
As per request of the leadership of the NCAA Sports Science Institute, the United States Registry of Exercise Professionals® (USREPS®), the Collegiate Strength and Conditioning Coaches Association (CSCCa), the National Council on Strength and Fitness (NCSF), the National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA), Committee on the Accreditation for Exercise Science (CoAES), Board of Certification for the Athletic Trainers, and Intercollegiate Council for Sports Medicine (ICSM) worked together to create new professional guidelines for strength and conditioning professionals.
These professional guidelines emphasized the unique and integral role strength and conditioning coaches play in athlete development, which includes the minimum qualifications (e.g., degree requirements, accredited certification, continuing education) that are central to keeping athletes healthy and safe. In efforts to thwart further injuries and death associated with student athlete training and conditioning, and in conjunction with the United States Council on Athlete Health best practices have been established in education, credentialing and reporting.
In order to improve transparency and accountability, CSCCa, NCSF, and NSCA have automatically registered its strength and conditioning professionals onto the US Registry of Exercise Professionals (USREPS). USREPS is a single destination for employers to verify qualifications for the strength and conditioning coaches.
The good news? Of the strength and conditioning coaches surveyed, 85% of practicing strength and conditioning coaches already meet the credentialing requirements outlined in the recommendations. When implemented, the recommendations will ensure qualified strength and conditioning coaches are working with student athletes.
Read more about the strength and conditioning requirements here.
Verify your credentials on the US Registry of Exercise Professionals.
Be sure to keep up with industry and legislative updates in the strength and conditioning and health/fitness industry here.