Search Results for: jump training

Catch of the Day

Through education, careful meal planning, and creative entrees, Texas A&M University offers its football players the right fuel for success.
By Jonathan Tanguay

Jonathan Tanguay, MS, RD, CSSD, LD, is Director of Performance Nutrition at Texas A&M University. He is a founding member of the Collegiate and Professional Sports Dietitians Association and currently serves as its listserv chair. He can be reached at: [email protected].

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Far & Above

With a strength program that helps players rise above, the University of Michigan has gone far into the NCAA tournament the past two years.
By Jon Sanderson

Jon Sanderson, MS, CSCS, is Head Strength and Conditioning Coach for Olympic Sports at the University of Michigan. He previously served as Head Strength and Conditioning Coach for men’s and women’s basketball at Clemson University and was a starter on Ohio State University’s 1999 Final Four men’s basketball team. He can be reached at: [email protected].

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Q&A with Dan Newman

Union High School, Tulsa, Okla.
Dedicated, passionate, and innovative are just three of the words that describe Dan Newman as an athletic trainer. But the best way to sum up Newman, MS, ATC, LAT, Head Athletic Trainer at Union High School in Tulsa, Okla., is: leader.

To start, Newman oversees a model sports medicine program at Union that includes two assistant athletic trainers and an athletic training student aide program serving 1,700 athletes in 24 sports. Union was also recently recognized as the first NATA Safe School in Oklahoma.
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Going Pro

For some, working for a professional sports team is a dream come true. In this three-part article, athletic trainers at NFL, MLB, and MLS franchises explain how they landed their jobs, as well as the ups and downs of treating elite athletes.

By Sonia Gysland

Sonia Gysland, MA, ATC, is Assistant Athletic Trainer for the Pittsburgh Steelers. She previously served as Assistant Football Athletic Trainer at Duke University and worked as an intern for the Steelers.

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Covering the Court

From short volleys to powerful serves, the strength and conditioning program for the University of Georgia men’s tennis team prepares the players for whatever a match will bring.
By Katrin Koch

Katrin Koch, CSCS, is the Director of Strength and Conditioning for Olympic Sports at the University of Georgia. She works directly with the men’s and women’s tennis, men’s and women’s swimming, and women’s soccer teams and can be reached at:
[email protected].

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Balance of Power

Eccentric, isometric, and concentric. The three stages of a movement aren’t always treated equally. Triphasic training is changing that mindset in order to develop more explosive athletes.
By Cal Dietz and Matt Van Dyke

Cal Dietz, MEd, CSCS, is Head Olympic Strength and Conditioning Coach at the University of Minnesota and coauthor of the book, Triphasic Training: A Systematic Approach to Elite Speed and Explosive Strength Performance. He can be reached at: [email protected].
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A Perfect Match

An in-season strength program that blends intensity with flexibility has Wesleyan University wrestlers finding success on the mat.
By Drew Black

Drew Black, MA, CSCS, USAW, is starting his 17th year as the Strength and Conditioning Coach and Head Wrestling Coach at Wesleyan University, where he oversees training programs for 29 NCAA Division III sports. He can be reached at:
[email protected].

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To New Heights

The Hatch System has helped countless weightlifters win gold medals. Here’s how to make it effective for athletes in team sports.
By Melissa Moore Seal

Melissa Moore Seal, MS, is Associate Head Strength and Conditioning Coach at Louisiana State University, where she is responsible for training the women’s basketball and softball teams. During her time at LSU, she has helped those squads reach two Final Fours and one Women’s College World Series. She can be reached at: [email protected].

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Mission: Accomplished

At the University of Mississippi, a new strength and conditioning program challenged the baseball players to get tougher and more competitive, and they responded with a record-breaking year.
By Ben Fleming

Ben Fleming, MS, SCCC, is entering his second year as Assistant Coordinator of Strength and Conditioning at the University of Mississippi, where he works primarily with the baseball team. Previously, he trained the baseball teams at the University of Central Florida and Kansas State University. He can be reached at: .. more »

Road Warrior

What’s it like to be an outreach athletic trainer for a group of rural high schools? To start, traveling light is not an option.
By Jodie L. Smith

Jodie L. Smith, MEd, ATC, CSCS, is an Athletic Trainer with Athletic Medicine & Performance in Billings, Mont. She can be reached at: [email protected].

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Path Less Traveled

The Florida State University softball team takes an unconventional route to offseason training, focusing as much on speed and agility as on power.
By Caitlin Quinn

Caitlin Quinn, CSCS, RSCC, is Assistant Strength and Speed Coach at Florida State University, where she works with the softball and indoor volleyball teams. She was named the 2013 NSCA Assistant Strength and Conditioning Coach of the Year and can be reached at: [email protected].

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Bulletin Board

Knee Geometry and ACL Risk
When it comes to risk factors for sustaining a noncontact ACL injury, size matters. So says a study that appeared in the August issue of the American Journal of Sports Medicine, which cites knee geometry as a significant predictor of noncontact ACL tears.
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Call to Arms

At all levels of baseball, preventing pitching injuries is a hot topic. This author keeps his players at East Carolina University healthy through a collaborative and comprehensive approach.
By Zac Womack

Zac Womack, ATC, LAT, is Head Athletic Trainer at East Carolina University, where he has provided coverage for the baseball team since 2008. He spent the seven previous years working in the New York Yankees’s minor league system. He can be reached at: [email protected].

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Have Tape, Will Travel

Working overseas as an athletic trainer offers challenges, rewards, and a chance to blaze a new trail. In this three-part article, those who have made the leap offer their insights.
By Joshua Euten
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November 2011: Bloody Good Move

Stafford H, Sandbulte Z. Platelet-Rich Plasma? Athletic Training & Sports Health Care. 2011; Vol. 3: No. 4: 164-167.Hall MP, Band PA, Meislin RJ, Jazrawi LM, Cadrone DA. Platelet-rich plasma: current concepts and application in sports... more »

December 2010: Water Power

Baechle, T.R., & Earle, R.W. (2000). Essentials of strength training and conditioning.Champaign, IL: National Strength and Conditioning Association.Chu, D. A. (1998). Jumping into plyometrics. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics.Holcomb WR, Lander J, Rutland R, Wilson G.... more »

October 2010: Shaking It Up

Wakeling JM, Nigg BM, Rozitis AI. Muscle activity damps the soft tissue resonance that occurs in response to pulsed and continuous vibrations. J Appl Physiol. Sep 2002;93(3):1093-1103.Rittweger J. Vibration as an exercise modality: how it... more »

May/June 2009: Kicking It Up

Barber-Westin, S., F. Noyes, et al. "Jump-Land Characteristics and Muscle Strength Development in Young Athletes: A Gender Comparison of 1140 Athletes 9 to 17 Years of Age." The American Journal of Sports Medicine no. 3... more »

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