Search Results for: jump training
The Squat: A More Detailed Look
In my first article of this series, I gave a quick introduction of what to look for to keep your athletes safe when performing squats, deadlifts, and cleans. It was broad and basic and only... more »
Former pro athletes trade in jerseys for medical scrubs
While professional athletes around the world are held in limbo, waiting for sports to open back up so they can get back to work, some former professional athletes are jumping to the frontlines to aid... more »
From Hospital Admin to Speed Coach: Phil Campbell’s sprint science journey
{Sponsored} After a quarter century as a hospital administrator and part-time speed coach, Phil Campbell jumped into full-time coaching. Campbell has now trained thousands of athletes, including well-known clients Super Bowl MVP Ray Lewis and... more »
The Hybrid Squat: A valuable asset to improve power, speed
The hybrid squat is an exercise that combines a single-leg squat and a single-leg deadlift. Learn how it can be effective in your strength program… more »
Forgetting the feet: How foot care is overlooked
Athletes often neglect their feet, requiring more education from athletic trainers. Here’s why foot care can be so hard for your athletes… more »
Study: Multisport females have decreased likelihood for knee, hip injuries
The Journal of Athletic Training today released “Sport Specialization and Coordination Differences in Multisport Adolescent Female Basketball, Soccer, and Volleyball Athletes” as part of its special thematic issue focused on youth sport specialization… more »
Better Than Ice: The best way to reduce inflammation from injury or surgery
{Sponsored} Research says that good circulation is essential to healing, and other research says cooling therapy is important for the healing process. Cooling relieves pain and inflammation. Common injuries for athletes include all extremities: knees,... more »
‘The Oak Hill Grind’
At the Oak Hill Academy, our basketball team designs our preseason workout program as competitions, making athletes stronger, resilient and explosive… more »
NATA calls for heat-readiness to protect student athletes
Just prior to its annual convention the NATA called for all sports organizations to evaluate their readiness to prevent and treat exertional heat stroke, one of the three leading causes of death in sports.
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Step By Step
Cutting, sprinting, jumping, landing — athletes rely on their ankles for a lot. In this three-part article, athletic trainers share how they managed a trio of different ankle injuries… more »
Personifying Grit and Perseverance
Chris Kildow, the builder of the Muscle Milk® Brand and one of the leaders in the advancement of the sports nutrition category during the last 20 years, passed away in March after a courageous battle... more »
Doc on Deck: Ankle injuries in youth sports
Athletes who suffer ankle injuries are often given suggestions for treatment that won’t do them any favors. Here is what should be done to help them heal… more »
The muscle clean & snatch
Many people think the muscle clean and snatch are simple, but strength coaches spend a great deal of time teaching them and cleaning up errors… more »
Don’t Forget to Strengthen the Hip
For most sports, enhancing hip strength and power is a key aspect of improving performance. Strong hips are required to transfer force effectively from the lower body to the upper body in many sports, including... more »
Speed Testing Mastery
The new age of using analytics to measure athleticism has resulted in many metrics that strength/conditioning coaches, athletic trainers and coaches have at their disposal for studying athlete performance. Still, there's one constant in evaluating... more »
Are ice baths really effective as treatment?
Are ice baths really effective as a way to reduce inflammation of those sore muscles? We take a look at what the research is saying… more »
Charting Progress
The University of Nebraska volleyball team has been one of the most dominant squads in NCAA Division I over the past decade. A secret to its success is its use of the Husker Power Performance Index.
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Dynamic Effort Method can serve athletes well
The Dynamic Effort Method, or quickly lifting a submaximal load, is a training method typically used by powerlifters. But it also can help athletes… more »
Medicine ball exercises for athletes at every skill level
Effective medicine ball exercises for athletes at beginning, intermediate and advanced skill levels. Learn how to implement them in your training program… more »
Volleyball: Improving on-the-court quickness
A rundown of four practice drills that volleyball coaches can use to improve the on-court quickness and agility of their players. .. more »
Vegan diets can come with nutrient deficiencies
Vegan diets have become increasingly popular in the athletic community. However, they require education, planning and the input of a sports dietitian… more »
Reinforcing fundamental movements in athletes
Fundamental movement skills like running, backpedaling or decelerating seem like they should come naturally. But that’s not always the case… more »
Girls’ Night
Performance combines for teenage athletes have become common, but Thibodaux (La.) Regional Medical Center recently put a new spin on the concept by holding one just for female athletes.
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Get the Ball Rolling
As youth sports has expanded, so has the desire to incorporate sports medicine and strength and conditioning initiatives with these athletes. Here’s how one club kick-started such efforts… more »
Husker Power Performance Index measures talent, development
Walk into the Nebraska volleyball locker room, and you’ll see a wall celebrating the team’s top-ranked players in the Husker Power Performance Index… more »
5 basic exercises that produce results
Basic exercises are often the most effective. There are a handful of simple yet effective exercises that are easy to learn and require minimal equipment… more »
Sheriff Steps Up
After learning that the weight training equipment at SouthWest Edgecombe (N.C.) High School was over 30 years old, the Edgecombe County Sheriff’s Office found a way to replace a dozen pieces.
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4 plyometric exercises for basketball players
Jacky Anderson provides a guide for how to incorporate plyometrics into your basketball team’s strength and conditioning program… more »
Called Up to the Pros
Fostering relationships with mentors is a great step in developing your career. For one Mercyhurst University athletic trainer, it also led to a summer spent working in the NFL.
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Prioritizing Recovery
Saturday morning workshops at one upstate New York clinic are helping high school athletes avoid injuries by focusing on stretching, nutrition, and rest.
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