Jan 29, 2015
What’s Your Type?

On both Wednesday and Friday during the Annual Meeting, you have an opportunity to learn how the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) can teach you about the way you process information, how you interact with others, and how you can be a more effective communicator in any setting. Attendees who have pre-registered and taken the MBTI assessment online (in advance) will receive their results and learn how to interpret them.

The MBTI is a psychometric questionnaire that its publisher calls “the world’s most widely used personality assessment.” Originally developed in the 1940s, it has been updated and refined by psychology professionals in subsequent decades. The MBTI is built around four “dichotomies,” or characteristics that help govern people’s interactions with the world around them:

• Extraversion or Introversion
• Sensing or Intuition
• Thinking or Feeling
• Judgment or Perception

At the MBTI sessions, you can learn how you own unique profile within those dichotomies affects you performance as a professional. You can also find out how knowing your personality “type” can help you improve everything from workplace efficiency to interpersonal and leadership skills.

To learn more about the MBTI, click here.

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