Apr 6, 2016
Testing Out Tech

Analyzing athletes’ performance is now easier than ever with the wealth of technological tools that are available. In a Q&A article from SportTechie.com, Indiana Pacers Head Strength and Conditioning Coach Shawn Windle discusses how technology has influenced his work in the NBA.

From a practical standpoint, he says the amount of time it takes to learn new software and analyze the data has added a burden to his schedule. Before trying anything with the team, though, Windle tests it on himself and co-workers–and in one instance, this ended up being a good thing.

“The product was to be worn on your skin like a bandage (and it was supposed to do X, Y, and Z) and could be worn for 3-4 days before needing to be removed,” Windle told SportTechie.com. “But after 24 hours each of us started to itch like crazy where the adhesive was on our skin. We all removed the patch during the second day and were left with a nice rash that lasted for about two weeks.”

Load monitoring is one of the big trends Windle is trying, which includes power measurements, video analysis, and player readiness tests. The data resulting from this monitoring may be used to support what is observed in the weight room and on the court, but may also offer information that changes the players’ programs. And although the NBA teams may keep quiet among each other when they get close to finding something that works, collaboration isn’t out of the question.

“Obviously you are closer to some of your colleagues around the NBA than others so you may share a little bit more information behind closed doors but there is always a limit as to how far that conversation goes,” Windle told SportTechie.com. “Some of the best conversations are had with Strength Coaches from other professional leagues since we are not competing with one another.”

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