Feb 4, 2015
Teaming Up

Colleges and universities are always looking for ways to stay on the cutting edge of student-athlete health and wellness. At Marquette University, a new partnership with the Milwaukee Bucks will allow them to do just that, with the creation of multipurpose center which will provide research on sports performance, medicine, nutrition, and rehabilitiation.

According to The Milwaukee Journal-Sentinelnew Marquette President Michael Lovell made his first presidential address and  mentioned construction will soon begin on the new center. Some other details include:

  • The design should be completed within six months and the construction should take an additional 18 to 24 months.
  • Funding for the center will come through gifts, corporate partnership, and grants.
  • The facility will also provide access to fitness facilities for all students.

Bucks’ co-owner Wes Edens relayed his support for the center in a prepared statement:

“The development of this world-class facility will not only benefit Bucks players and Marquette students,” he said. “But as a cutting-edge leader in the sports medicine space, it will benefit the entire region and make Wisconsin an even greater attraction worldwide.”

Read the full article here.

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