Aug 6, 2018
Suspended Athlete to Compete

On July 26, the US Anti-Doping Agency announced that Jack Casey will be suspended from USA swimming events and practices for six months. However, he remains eligible to compete as a member of the Hauppauge (N.Y.) High School swim team, 

According to Newsday, on December 1, Casey tested positive for Anastrozole in a urine sample for the AT&T Winter Nationals. A USADA representative said that Casey had a doctor’s prescription for the substance, but was suspended because he did not have an exemption.

“Although the substance was taken at the direction of a physician, the World Anti-Doping Code requires athletes to obtain a Therapeutic Use Exemption (TUE) before using a prohibited substance,” the USADA statement said. “Casey no longer has a need for the prescribed medication and, therefore, no TUE is necessary moving forward.”

The USADA representative said Anastrozole is a masking agent that can prevent the side effects from anabolic steroids, and can also help increase muscle development.

The sanction, which is effective March 22, will not affect Casey’s eligibility to swim with his school team. Robert Zayas, Executive Director of the New York State Public High School Athletic Association, said the state does not have any rules that would affect Casey’s participation, and his suspension will have expired by the time of the state tournament.

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