Dec 1, 2015
Study Reviews Field Hockey Facial Injuries and Mouth Guard Use

A review of research that was recently published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine has found that almost 50 percent of elite field hockey players and nearly 13 percent of junior and senior level players will experience a facial injury involving the mouth, jaw, or teeth. Further, mouth guard use is still less than optimal among field hockey players.

According to, the review of research was conducted in response to a serious injury resulting in major dentofacial trauma that had occurred in the Dutch field hockey premier league. The ensuing review of 11 studies explored the commonality of lower facial injuries along with protective measures players use. Among the findings:

  • More than 50 percent of the injuries reported in these studies resulted from contact with the hockey ball and 38 percent were the result of contact with a hockey stick
  • The rates of facial injury were about the same for men and women.
  • In assessing mouth guard usage, 85 percent of players reported using them currently, with the most common complaints being that mouth guards are uncomfortable and not necessary
  • Those who had experienced a previous facial injury, however, we two times more likely to use a mouth guard.

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