Oct 18, 2016Stay in the Game
Unique Advantages
Competitive athletes at all levels are looking for a way to break through barriers, remain healthy, and ultimately stay in the game. Hundreds of collegiate and professional sports teams world-wide agree that utilizing HydroWorx technology yields results. HydroWorx aquatic therapy offers early advantages including:
• Athletes are able to perform exercises in the water that they can’t do on land because of pain or functional limitation
• Non-weight bearing environment eases pressure on joints to move freely and expedite the rehab process
• Allows users to intensify the work performed without increasing the risk of pushing beyond the rehab progression limits
• Unlike anti-gravity or traditional land running, the hydrostatic pressure of water naturally decreases inflammation and increases circulation, never leaving muscle soreness
About the Company
Since the late 1990s, HydroWorx has manufactured aquatic therapy pools with built-in underwater treadmills and resistance jets. This enables sports medicine professionals to more effectively offer their athletes the opportunity to decrease recovery time frames, increase muscle strength, decrease joint stress, and remain motivated throughout the rehabilitation process.