Jan 29, 2015
Requirement Ready

The first three requirements of the BOC’s four-part recertification process are pretty basic:

    1. Adhere to the BOC Standards of Professional Practice.

    2. Submit an annual certification fee.

    3. Maintain emergency cardiac care certification (ECC).

The fourth requirement – earning 75 continuing education units — is often the most worrisome mandate to fulfill. But not anymore.

In the past, keeping track of contact hours and providing proper documentation of earning these hours may have felt like a full-time job. With the BOC’s new online reporting system though, keeping things in order has become more efficient, practical, and yes, cheaper for busy ATCs. (There is no fee for submitting material via the Internet.)

The real challenge now lies is figuring out a way to achieve all 75 CEUs in a reasonable timeframe. To lessen worries, the BOC offers four ways to earn education units. Athletic trainers can earn CEUs in one category or mix-and-match categories to better suit his or her needs.*

Category A – BOC-Approved Provider Programs (75 CEUs maximum)

Examples include:

  • Attending workshops
  • Seminars, and conferences (CEUs determined by provider)
  • Home study courses as assigned by the BOC

Category B – Professional Development (50 CEUs maximum)

Examples include:

  • Speaking engagements
  • Poster/abstract presentations
  • Authoring an article or text
  • BOC-qualified examiner or model
  • EMT (initial training only)
  • Category C – Post-Certification College/University Coursework (75 CEUs maximum)

    Examples include:

  • Medical residency
  • Official college/university course
  • Category D – Individualized Options (20 CEUs maximum)

    Options must fall within the domains of the Role Delineation Study, Fifth Edition. Examples include:

  • Viewing educational multimedia
  • Attending professional programs other than those not sponsored by the BOC
  • After completing each continuing education unit (or grouped units), an athletic trainer will need to obtain the proper documentation summarizing his or her earned units. For more complete information on what constitutes proper documentation and detailed category options, please visit the BOC’s Web site at: www.bocatc.org.

    *Source: Board of Certification

    Click here to learn more about Training & Conditioning‘s BOC-approved CEU courses.

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