Dec 20, 2016
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Asking questions and doing a lot of listening is a top priority for Zac Woodfin, University of Southern Mississippi’s Director of Sports Performance, as he steps into his role as interim athletic director. Woodfin won’t be filling the position permanently, but he’s willing to do his best in the meantime.

“First of all, I’m just very grateful that (university president Rodney Bennett) is giving me the opportunity,” Woodfin told the Hattiesburg American. “I appreciate his confidence in me. It’s a big step. I’ve accepted the challenge and the opportunity to grow and learn and to listen.”

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Woodfin, who is 33, has been with the Golden Eagles since January 2015. As he shifts to the helm, Woodfin is planning to make connections with the department heads and coaches.

“Obviously, I don’t have any experience in athletic administration, but I do have experience leading people,” Woodfin told the Hattiesburg American. “I’m not going to act like I’ve been doing this for a long time. But I’ll still be myself. I’ll ask a lot of questions and take it one day at a time with a ‘win the day’ mindset. I’ll do everything I can to position the new athletic director well when he or she arrives.”

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