Jan 29, 2015
Practical Care

Sprained ankles may be a common injury, but treatment options continue to evolve. On Friday, those interested in keeping their treatment options updated will want to check out “Patient Outcomes: Treating Ankle Injuries using the Mulligan Concept of Mobilization with Movement,” presented by James May, MS, ATC, Director of Athletic Training Services at Lynchburg College.

In the following Q&A, May offers an overview of the presentation:

T&C: What will be covered in your presentation?
JM: Since the Mulligan Concept (MC) is new to some, I will introduce specific foundational and guiding principles to applying the MC Mobilization with Movement (MWM) properly. The focus will then shift to the specific MWM technique used to treat lateral ankle sprains (LAS), along with the associated fibular repositioning taping technique. After a quick review of the available evidence in the literature and specific outcome measures utilized to assess patient improvement, I will present authentic patient outcomes using the MC MWM to treat LAS in my clinical practice.

Who will benefit most from attending?
I imagine clinicians who appreciate scholarly presentations specifically focused on treating patients with LAS might find the most benefit. As I think all athletic trainers have a vested interest in patient outcomes, I think participating in this type of discussion benefits clinicians in all realms (i.e., clinical practice, teaching, and research). Directly, the attendee will be able to develop a foundational approach to treating LAS with the MC MWM and will have an appreciation of the associated patient outcomes that may be expected. Indirectly, the attendee may find the process of developing an action research approach to patient care through the use of best evidence, clinical expertise, and outcomes measures appealing and valuable to their clinical practice.

Is there anything attendees should know before arriving?
I can’t say I would recommend anything specific except for taking a few moments to critically examine their philosophy and approach to diagnosing and treating LAS in their clinical practices. Having an understanding of current practice strategies and their associated patient outcomes will enable the attendee to critically evaluate their approach to treating LAS in their clinical practices.

What is its biggest selling point?
The use of authentic patient outcomes under the umbrella of action research to create practice-based evidence (PBE) that guides your patient care is the biggest selling point, in my opinion. I would like to see more clinicians conduct and present “bedside” research, which would create a two-way flow of information (i.e., bench-to-bedside and bedside-to-bench). As a practicing clinician, I seem to gravitate towards research that has the potential to directly impact my local situation and patient care. Therefore, I have worked to present my patient outcomes, or PBE, in such a fashion.

What is something that may surprise attendees about your presentation?
Attendees might be surprised to learn how undertaking a clinical research project fundamentally altered my clinical practice philosophy. Overall, my hope is to present information that resonates with the audience members, and that they consider a similar treatment and research philosophy in guiding their clinical practice when treating LAS.

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