Jan 29, 2015
On-the-Fly Assessment

Athletic trainers now have a new tool available to help them diagnose concussions on the sidelines. The Concussion Assessment and Response: Sport Version (CARE-Sport Version) is a new app for iPhone, iPad, and Android devices that guides users through a series of questions and activities that helps rule out a cervical spine injury, evaluate concussion signs and symptoms, and assess cranial nerve function.
Designed exclusively for medical professionals, the cost is $9.99. For more information, go to: http://care.parinc.com.

Distributed by Psychological Assessment Resources (PAR), the CARE-Sport Version app was developed by Jason Mihalik, PhD, CAT(C), ATC, Assistant Professor at the Matthew A. Gfeller Sport-Related Traumatic Brain Injury Research Center at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill; and Gerard A. Gioia, PhD, Director of the Division of Pediatric Neuropsychology at the Children’s National Medical Center in Washington, DC.

According to PAR’s Web site, the CARE-Sport Version app features:

  • The Balance Error Scoring System (BESS), which evaluates an athlete’s ability to maintain postural stability, providing important information about loss of balance in an injured athlete.
  • The Sideline Assessment of Concussion (SAC), which assesses the mental status of the athlete–it addresses orientation, immediate memory, concentration, and memory recall.
  • A Graded Symptom Checklist (GSC), which enables users to track the severity of post-concussion symptoms during the athlete’s recovery process.
  • A Return-to-Play Guide, which helps protect athletes from further injury by guiding them through a gradual daily physical exercise routine that tests their tolerance for exertional activity.
  • A Concussion Information Section, which helps ensure that users have a comprehensive understanding of concussions as well as the function of the CARE-Sport Version.
  • The ACE Post-Concussion Home/School Instructions, an instructional page that users can share with non-medical personnel, including coaches, parents, and athletes, to guide early management of the athlete following a concussion.

There is also a version of the app aimed at parents or coaches. To learn more about the Concussion Recognition & Response: Coach & Parent Version, visit http://crr.parinc.com.

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