Jan 29, 2015
On the Cutting Edge

Anyone looking to hone new techniques will want to check out, “Dynamic Neuromuscular Stabilization: Its role in sports rehabilitation & athletic performance,” a hands-on session that will be held on Wednesday. It will be lead by Clare Frank, PT, Kaiser Permanente Los Angeles Sports & Spine Rehab Fellowship; Eitan Gelber, MS, ATC, CSCS, Stanford University Senior Associate Director of Athletic Training; Scott Anderson, MA, ATC, Stanford University Director of Athletic Training; and David Kurihara, DPT, Kaiser Permanente Los Angeles Sports & Spine Rehab Fellowship.

Scott Anderson offers a brief synopsis of the presentation below:

“We will be discussing the Dynamic Neuromuscular Stabilization (DNS) approach, as described by Pavel Kolar and the Prague School of Rehabilitation. DNS discusses the clinical evaluation and therapeutic exercise strategy utilizing the concepts of developmental kinesiology, diaphragmatic respiration, and CNS retraining. This is a unique approach to addressing movement dysfunction and enhancing high level athletic performance and rehabilitation. Some highlights include the work of Vladimir Janda, correcting improper breathing stereotype, and assessment of the intra-spinal stabilizing system (ISSS).

“This is a hands-on format, so one goal is to ensure that people leave with some skills that can be applied immediately upon return to their clinical environment. Anyone with an open mind, looking for cutting edge solutions for their athletes/patients should attend. There is a lot of content to get through in a short period, so come ready to learn and ask questions. We encourage participation from the attendees in order to stimulate dialogue, identify clinical pearls, and broaden understanding of the concepts discussed.

“A selling point for attending is that it’s an extremely unique and forward thinking approach. It is truly one of a kind, and our individual experiences with DNS (which are also presented) demonstrate that there is merit to its application in the field of athletic training. You won’t become an expert in one day. This approach takes several months of practice, training, and further learning to fully integrate into your clinical practice. Hopefully this will motivate attendees to pursue additional training in the DNS approach!”

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