Jan 29, 2015
Nutrition Advice

One of the most well-attended sessions was titled Eat It Up: 3 Things All Sports Medicine Professionals Should Know About Nutrition.” It was presented by Dana White, MS, RD, ATC, of Dana White Nutrition, Inc., who had a neat perspective on the topic as both an athletic trainer and registered dietitian.

The three areas White said she is asked most about by athletic trainers are:
-Pre- and post-activity nutrition
-Do’s and dont’s for supplement use
-Tips for specific dietary situations

In terms of pre- and post-activity nutrition, White’s advice included some great meal and snack ideas. For pre-workout snacks, athletes should try things like granola bars or fruit and nut bars, fresh fruit, pretzels, and smoothies. For post-workout fueling, athletes should go for peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, turkey and cheese sandwiches, trail mix, chocolate milk, cheese and crackers, and carrots and hummus.

White noted that supplement use is a tricky topic and that many athletes have misconceptions or are misinformed about supplement use. Her overall advice is to tell (especially young) athletes to avoid supplements. And if an athlete wants to use a supplement, it’s important they thoroughly research its ingredients and their effects.

Specific dietary situations may include eating disorders, disordered eating, food allergies, and food sensitivities. Each situation is unique, but White said there is information about all of those mentioned available. It’s okay as an athletic trainer to admit you’re not sure about something like an allergy to gluten. You and the athlete can research the topic and come up with solutions together.

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