Nov 9, 2018
New Center Opens

Last week, the Sweetwater Union (Calif.) High School District opened a new 3,000 square foot facility with an 800 square foot Sports Medicine and Wellness Center that’s open to all students.

According to The San Diego Union-Tribune, Dr. Charles Camarata, along with Mike Stein, have provided free clinics every Saturday for 30 years, and have more recently started holding clinics during the week, but the new facility allows them to expand hours of operation.

“This is the first year we’ve added clinics from 3 to 6 p.m. on Tuesday at the Wellness Center,” Camarata said. “All the student-athlete has to do is go online to make an appointment to be seen on Tuesday to have their injuries evaluated.”

Ten years ago, Camarata convinced the district to start a sports medicine class. At its inception, there was only one class with one trainer at Olympian high, but now, there are 43 classes at various campuses with a total of 1,900 students, and each of the district’s 12 schools has a full-time athletic trainer.

“Our primary goal is to help these student-athletes get healthy and back to their sport,” Camarata said. “But the clinics also help teach other doctors.”

Camarata said he hopes to add a Sports Medicine III course next year, so that the students taking the classes can practice their skills at medical facilities in the community. He also wants student-athletes to take a baseline computer test as a freshman to gather data that can help determine when they are ready to return to play after a concussion, and to educate parents about what concussions are and how they are treated.

“I’m excited about the new district facility,” Camarata said. “It’s a big step forward.”

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