Jun 19, 2019NATA Convention Notes
The Journal of Athletic Training has released its annual special supplement that features the abstracts from the free communicatrions presentations to be given at the NATA Convention. Click here to view the supplement.
The Free Communications Program provides certified athletic trainers, students and other healthcare providers an opportunity to present and learn about the latest in athletic training research. Research is presented in oral and poster formats and includes general research, NATA Foundation-funded research, clinical case reports and our Student Exchange program posters.
JAT Recognizes Research Awards Recipients
The Journal of Athletic Training special supplement also includes a profile of Gary B. Wilkerson, EdD, ATC, FNATA University of Tennessee at Chattanooga, recipient of The Medal for Distinguished Athletic Training Research; David Howell, PhD, ATC, assistant professor in the Department of Orthopedics at the University of Colorado School of Medicine and the Lead Researcher for the Sports Medicine Center at Children’s Hospital Colorado, recipient of The New Investigator Award award presented in Honor of Freddie H. Fu, MD; and Matthew S. Harkey, PhD, ATC Tuft’s Medical Center/University of Massachusetts Medical School, recipient of The Doctoral Dissertation Award, presented in Honor of David H. Perrin, PhD, AT Ret, FNATA, FACSM.
Silent Auction Underway
The NATA Foundation Silent Auction is open online! Browse and bid on an array of items now. Be sure to visit the NATA Foundation booth to check out all auction items in person. Auction ends at 11 a.m. (PT) June 27. Click here for more information.
Help Shape the AT Profession
Consider joining the Circle of Champions one of your top New Year’s resolutions. An automatic monthly gift of any size will help shape the AT profession and benefit the entire active community.
The Circle of Champions was established to recognize individuals who give recurring, unrestricted gifts to the NATA Research & Education Foundation.
When you join the Circle of Champions, your gift will strengthen our global efforts to support the future of athletic training. It will also help the NATA Foundation prepare for tomorrow’s educational and research needs. The process of enrollment takes minutes to implement, and no gift is too small. Click here for more information.
For NATA members, your contributions will be carefully tracked and as they accumulate, you’ll be able to climb levels within the AT Loyal tiers.
Breakfast Keynote Speaker Ronnie Barnes Featured in June NATA News
In the June NATA News, New York Giants Senior VP of Medical Services and NATA Hall of Famer Ronnie Barnes talks about how he has owned his impact as an AT in the NFL. Barnes is the NATAPAC Breakfast keynote speaker.
Barnes authored an article in the NATA News titled “Creating a Seat at the Table: Why it’s important for athletic trainers to have a voice in the profession and the workplace.