Jun 1, 2020
Getting the facts on intermittent fasting

Intermittent fasting is a cyclical calorie intake routine that alternates between periods of no food intake (fasting) and periods of calorie consumption.

The most popular way of fasting is the 16:8 diet method — fasting for 16 hours and eating within an eight-hour window — according to an article on T3.com. Other types of fasting include the 5:2 diet, where people largely skip eating for two days a week.

But is intermittent fasting safe?

intermittent fastingWhen done properly, fasting has been proven as a useful tool in weight loss while also allowing your body time to repair itself when it’s not focused on digestion or food storage.

“As with any diet, be sensible when you start fasting. As mentioned above, try gradually increasing your fasting window and try not to cut too many calories from one day to another. By not eating for 8-12 hours, you will naturally take in fewer calories, without any other restrictive factors,” the article’s author, Matt Kollat, said.

The article recommends beginning gradually — cutting off caloric intake from 8 PM through 8 AM the following day — and increasing the fasting hour over time. During the fasting period, it’s recommended to only consume liquids. Outside of the fasting period, there are no real restrictions, although it’s advised to avoid processed and fast food as well as alcohol consumption.

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“Once you used to fasting, you can introduce other changes in your diet, like avoiding added sugar, food with high glycemic index, bad fats, and so on. Try to plan ahead on what will you snack on when cravings arrive, because they will most definitely come at some point during the day. Protein and nutrition bars are a great way to combat cravings throughout the day,” Kollat wrote.

To read the full story on intermittent fasting from T3.com, click here

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