Jan 29, 2015
Finding an App for That

Navigating through the plethora of apps available for iPhones, iPads, and Android-based phones and tablets to find one that will be helpful can be a hassle. A little help was offered on Tuesday morning during, “Got APP? Top Technology Applications for Improving Productivity and Athlete Care,” presented by Ralph Castle, PhD, ATC, LAT, Associate Professor and Athletic Training Director, Louisiana State University.
In the session, Castle talked about some of the apps that have worked well for him as well as the process of finding them. “It can be so confusing,” he says. “If you don’t have the right nomenclature or use the right search function when you go to the app store, you might not be able to find what you want.

“It’s really a case of knowing where to look,” Castle continues. “If you have a colleague who can show you some of the apps they use, ask if you can try them and see if they could work for you. Another method that works well is going to CNet.com, where you can get a lot of software downloads as well as reviews on the app’s uses in areas that are important to you.”

However, finding an app is only the first half of the battle. “We’re in such an age of technology that you can spend more time using applications than doing actual work,” Castle says. “As much as I have moved toward being tech-savvy, I mentioned in the presentation that it’s important to not get too immersed in using applications to the point where you’ve created a communication gap or social disconnect.

“The other important piece is the bigger picture issue for healthcare providers,” he continues. “If you are using applications in which you collect data or information regarding a patient, then you need to ensure that its functions include appropriate measures to maintain HIPAA and FERPA compliance. Whether or not you’re using an app, you need to maintain best practices in how you’re handling patients’ information to ensure their privacy.”

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