Mar 17, 2017
Females Have Higher Rates

Based on recent research findings, females have a higher concussion rate than their male counterparts. Specifically, female soccer players seem to be at the greatest risk. These findings stem from a review of a sample of 10 years of data from the High School Reporting Information Online injury surveillance system.

“While American football has been both scientifically and colloquially associated with the highest concussion rates, our study found that girls, and especially those who play soccer, may face a higher risk,” Wellington Hsu, MD, professor of orthopaedics at Northwestern University’s Feinberg school of Medicine and lead author of the study, told News-Medical. “The new knowledge presented in this study can lead to policy and prevention measures to potentially halt these trends.”

Along with these findings, the study’s results show higher rates of concussions being reported during 2010 to 2015, after traumatic brain injury (TBI) laws addressed return to play, training, and liability. The study’s authors suggest this reflects the increase in awareness of concussions by athletic trainers, coaches, and parents, and that players have also improved their recognition of symptoms.

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