Feb 11, 2015
Company News: Meets all Levels of Care

Kinesio(R) Tape products are packaged to meet the needs of all levels of care, from easy pre-cut applications to rolls of tape suitable for athletic uses and high level medical treatment. Developed in conjunction with the educational programs of the Kinesio Taping Association, Kinesio(R) offers the benefit of more than 35 years of research and clinical practice.

Uses range from the professional or occasional athlete to pediatric, geriatric and neurological taping procedures. After all, if it doesn’t say “Kinesio,” it’s not the real thing.

About the Company:

Kinesio Holding Company is the manufacturer of Kinesio(R) Tape and associated products, including pre-cut applications and tapes in widths of one, two, or three inches. As the original and authentic elastic support tape, Kinesio Tape is used by licensed health professionals to treat muscle, joint and rehabilitative conditions.

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