Jan 29, 2015
Changing of the Guard

During Thursday’s General Session, former NATA President Marje Albohm, MS, ATC, officially passed the torch on to Jim Thornton, MS, ATC, PES, for his three-year term. Albohm had served the NATA as president since 2008.
With over 35 years of service, Albohm has contributed to the NATA in various roles. Along with her latest officer’s position, she has served as Vice President of the NATA, President of the NATA Research and Education Foundation, and Secretary/Treasurer on the NATA Board of Directors. Additionally, Albohm was inducted into the NATA Hall of Fame in 1999, has received the NATA Most Distinguished Athletic Trainer Award, and the Tim Kerin Award for Excellence in Athletic Training.

Thornton is coming into the presidency with 29 years of experience as the Head Athletic Trainer at Clarion Universty. He is also the Director of Sports Medicine at Clarion University, and has previously served as NATA Vice President and on the Board of Directors.

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