Mar 22, 2016
Calling It a Career

After 35 years, Vista Grande (Ariz.) High School Athletic Trainer Stuart Minck is retiring, saying the long hours associated with the job are taking a toll. As reported by the Casa Valley Dispatch, Minck, now 56, relays that during the fall and winter, his work ends no earlier than 6 p.m., and can run as late as 10:30 p.m.

Andy Lukievics, Athletic Director for Vista Grande, praised Mincks, saying that he helped foster “an atmosphere of trust, friendship and loyalty,” by investing many hours and always putting students first.

“Stu has been an integral part of our athletic and educational programs,” Mincks said. “His knowledge and experience in athletic training has been an asset to all of our athletes who have unfortunately been injured or have needed medical assistance in some way.”

Minck said he thoroughly enjoyed his work in high school athletics and learned to handle high pressure situations. The roughest spot in his career came in 2003 when a 17-year-old player died of a congenital heart condition in the athletic training room. Minck said the player’s death “screwed (him) up for about six months.”

Minck and his wife plan on moving to Florida and working for a few years to become vested in the state’s retirement system. He will not seek a job as an athletic trainer again, but has no regrets about choosing it as a career.

“I’ve probably enjoyed 99 percent of the job,” Minck said. “I love working with kids.”

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