Dec 5, 2018
Arkansas to Offer VR Program

Every high school in Arkansas will implement the CrashCourse concussion education program, which is partly taught in virtual reality.

According to SportTechie, TeachAids, a Stanford University-supported nonprofit organization, developed CrashCourse. CrashCourse is provided by a partnership between TeachAids, the Arkansas Activities Association, the Arkansas Department of Education and the Arkansas Department of Health.

“Arkansas is setting a precedent for the rest of the nation in providing cutting-edge VR education to its students,” Asa Hutchinson, Governor of Arkansas, said. “Through our unique partnership with TeachAids, this groundbreaking concussion education experience will empower young people to solve real-world problems in our increasingly technology-driven society.”

CrashCourse’s curriculum is in four parts, including a symptom simulator, an interactive film and a VR brain fly-through that helps users visualize the injury. Facebook donated VR kits to every Arkansas high school last year, allowing students to watch the content on the Oculus Rift.

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