Jun 10, 2016
Alabama Medical Tents to Be Marketed

The University of Alabama has licensed the technology for collapsible medical tents to Kinematic Sports LLC, a company that will market the tent, known as the SideLineER, to school and professional sports teams.

According to 247 Sports, the University of Alabama helped secure a patent on the device and has given Kinematic Sports exclusive rights to market the medical tent. The tent was created as a result of Athletic Trainer Jeff Allen working with four engineering students on their senior project.

Kinematic Sports, which is founded and owned by three of the SidelinER’s original developers, is also offering the option of a sponsorship kit to high school teams to help with the purchase of the tent.

Jared Cassity, a cofounder of the project, said that evaluating injured players can be difficult with the distractions and noise of the game prevalent. The tent also provides privacy to the athlete.

“Often times, sadly enough, you see [athletic] trainers holding up Gatorade towels, trying to provide some modicum of privacy for this individual,” Cassity said, “and Jeff Allen had the idea that there had to be something better.”

KinematicSports.com will sell the tent for $5,000, on a limited production run this July to fill needs for satellite and summer camps. There will be 25 tents in the first run, 50 in the second, and 100 in the third.

Athletic Management published an article on the tents and the benefits privacy can have for injured athletes in its March 2016 issue.

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