2020 October/November (Volume XXX, No. 05)

4 Trends in Strength and Conditioning for 2021

The strength and conditioning business has always been about evolution. The primary goal of the field itself is to physically improve athletes and clients in some capacity. So, it only makes sense that exercises and recovery have changed over the years. Some advancements in the field stick as-is. Others are interwoven into routines and develop […]

Blazing the Trail: Highlighting 3 Sports Industry Pioneers

By the late 1600s, the term ‘pioneer’ had evolved from referring to French foot soldiers who dug trenches — literally blazing trails — to take on a more metaphorical reference to trailblazers of industry.  From the early American settlers who migrated west in search of developing new communities to the likes of Bill Gates and […]

Current Innovations with Stem Cells & Platelet-Rich Plasma

When it comes to innovative treatment options, Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) and stem cell therapy comes up a lot. But what is the level of understanding of these regenerative medicines among the average person? The goal of regenerative medicine is to stimulate the body to heal itself, utilizing the person’s natural healing abilities. To understand PRP […]

Discussing Eating Disorders in Athletes

With the uncertainty created by the COVID-19 pandemic, athletes at all levels of competition are facing challenges to their physical and mental health. Social isolation, limited access to training facilities, fewer food options, and delays of competition are just a few of the stressors impacting athletes. These disruptions may increase weight and fitness concerns, causing […]

Distinguishing Differences in Wearable Sensor Tech

Once thought of only for the affluent athletes of top-tier colleges and professional teams, wearable sensor technology has exploded — and expanded — in recent years to get real-time data to measure athletic performance at any level.  And the demand for data through the means of wearable technology won’t be dying down anytime soon. According […]

Growing Pains: CBD Use by Athletes Slow Despite Mainstream Popularity

Recovery and pain management is a high profile concern for athletes at every level of their game. After a contest or hard workout, they need a way to bounce back from what ails them. Aside from the oft-taken paths pharmaceutical companies offer, there are less-traveled routes of natural remedies that are being looked at.  The […]

Rest, Assured: The Value of Quality Rest

Today with the emphasis on safely developing and increasing strength and conditioning in athletes at all levels, less thought is put into rest periods. How long should rest periods be between sets, training sessions, and seasons? For the most part, it is really not monitored in the majority of weight rooms – understanding that it […]

Strength Coach Roundtable Discussion

For so many strength coaches across the country, the fall season has brought a sense of familiarity to what was a very unfamiliar summer as the athletic industry — and everyone else — reacted to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.  Remote sessions, finding offbeat tools to train with and far less group training has become the […]

Utilizing Crossover Sports in Athletic Training

Sports specialization for young athletes has become a controversial topic.  Should young athletes devote all of their practice and game time to just one sport? There are some aspects of sports specialization that young athletes, their parents, and coaches need to consider.  Sports specialization is not always harmful to young athletes. Dedication to one sport […]

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