2018 April (Volume XXVIII, No. 03)

A Better Approach?

By overseeing recreational sports alongside athletic training and strength and conditioning, this author has been able to develop unique partnerships and programs across the University of Delaware campus… more »

A Helping Hand

The request made of Jonathan Lynch, CSCS*D, Director of Performance at the University of Maine, was unique but at the same time familiar. Could he help 20 men and women pass a physical fitness test they had not been able to conquer?.. more »

Caught in a Crowd

In high school and small-college settings, strength coaches can find themselves training 30 to 40 athletes without any assistance. What are ways to keep your head above water?.. more »

East Meets West

Many athletic trainers have dual credentials, and some have more than two. But Jody Murray, LAc, ATC, LAT, is one of a select few who have licenses in both athletic training and acupuncture… more »

High School Spotters

With the success of the NFL’s Eye in the Sky program and college teams increasingly adding injury spotters to their press boxes, high school athletic trainers may wonder about the cost to implement the idea at their level. At Atkins High School in Winston-Salem, N.C., the price tag was just $76… more »

In-season gains: Inside Georgia football strength training

The Georgia football strength training program is designed in a way that actually increases player strength during the season. Here’s how it’s done… more »

Masks with Meaning

Motivating football players in the weightroom during the offseason can be an uphill battle. There are endless distractions and the workouts can start to feel monotonous. Linton-Stockton (Ind.) High School has hit upon a remedy — the awarding of blue facemasks to players who reach ambitious offseason goals… more »

Opting for Surgery

As more doors open for athletic trainers, some are choosing to become a surgical assist. Here’s a first-person look at what it entails… more »

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