2017 October (Volume XXVII, No. 07)

A Leg Up

If only athletic trainers could look beneath the skin and see athletes’ muscle patterns in action, they would know which players had an edge — and which were facing the potential for injury. With new technology from a University of Virginia startup, athletic trainers might soon be able to do just that… more »

Armed and Ready

With an offseason strength and conditioning program split into four unique training blocks, Texas Tech University baseball players are primed for the first pitch in the spring… more »

AT to AD to AT

Many athletic trainers like to take on new challenges. John Chandler, MA, LAT, ATC, is one of them, and in 2001, he made the leap from Head Athletic Trainer at Coe College to Athletic Director. He went on to lead the NCAA Division III program to more than 40 championships in the Iowa Intercollegiate Athletic Conference and oversaw several significant facility renovations and construction projects… more »

Gut Check

If an ice hockey player went down with a serious injury, would you know how to best approach the situation? One Ohio health system recently held a workshop to make sure its athletic trainers would be prepared to respond… more »

In An Emergency

There is no time for turf wars between athletic trainers and EMS when an athlete’s safety hangs in the balance. Here’s how you can work together seamlessly with your local crew… more »

Off and Running

The use of sports science is taking off in strength and conditioning departments. But before getting carried away with data, this roundtable of experts urge coaches to understand what it means first… more »

On the Athlete’s Turf

Sombor, Serbia is not a place you would expect to see an NBA rising star training with one of the league’s top strength and conditioning coaches. But that’s exactly what happened this past summer… more »

Recipe for Success

Mix one part California State University, Northridge Athletics with one part on-campus nutrition and dietetics center, and the finished product is a collaboration that’s benefiting athletes, students, and the broader community… more »

The Push of a Button

When a baseball player collapsed on the diamond at Benton (Ark.) High School last spring, an emergency action plan was activated within seconds, and the young man’s life was saved. Heroes included medical personnel, coaches, and administrators — as well as an app on their cell phones… more »

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