ATHLETEALIVE2025 is a student athlete safety initiative, steered by a collaboration of the following organizations: The Coalition for the Registration of Exercise Professionals (CREP), the Intercollegiate Council on Sport Medicine (ICSM) and the U.S. Council for Athletes Health (USCAH).
The purpose of this initiative is to reduce the prevalence of preventable student athlete injuries and deaths, associated with conditioning and training; inclusive of proper emergency management. This initiative reflects the requirements associated with the NCAA Inter-association Recommendations Preventing Catastrophic Injury and Death in Collegiate Athletes. The goal is to reach full compliance by all collegiate Strength and Conditioning Coaches by January 1, 2025.
As a certified Strength and Conditioning Coach registered with the United States Registry of Exercise Professionals (USREPS), you meet the foundational requirements for collegiate Strength and Conditioning Coaches working at NCAA institutions; view your listing here.
It is important to note that there are additional requirements to stay in compliance with the recommendations that include:
• Keeping your strength and conditioning coach credential in good standing.
• Completing annual education and training on athlete safety, emergency action planning and environmental safety; courses can be found here.
• Submit the documented continued education to your USREPS certifying body (CSCCA, NCSF, NSCA).
• View the complete checklist at
These essential requirements must be completed within your next reporting cycle to remain in compliance with required aspects of the recommendations. Strength and Conditioning Coaches, working in NCAA-affiliated institutions, should prepare to provide documentation that demonstrates compliance to their employers. Over the next few months, the team at ATHLETEALIVE2025 will be surveying NCAA regulated athletic program directors for compliance and reporting progress.
We thank you in advance for your participation in this critically important initiative to keep student athletes safe and healthy.
Please contact our CEU coordinatior at [email protected] should you have any questions.