Strength & Conditioning

Study: Higher training volume leads to increased size, not strength

Which way is better to improve strength in athletes through weight training — high reps and low weight or low reps and high weight? A new study explores this idea. The study, which was presented at... more »

French Olympians track menstrual cycles to boost performance

For the last year, French swimmer Caroline Jouisse has been tracking her menstrual cycles and sharing the data with her coaches ahead of the 2024 Paris Olympics. Tracking that information, she said, allows her and... more »

Study: decreasing sedentary time in class reduces obesity

Introducing more movement into lessons led to an 8% reduction in children's waist-to-height ratio, according to new research from UCL and the Institute of Sport, Exercise and Health (ISEH). The study, published in Obesity Facts, is the first... more »

Best nutritional practices for building power in athletes

Athletes usually have a common goal when reaching out to a performance dietitian: to improve their nutrition to succeed in their sport.  Most sports require power in some shape or form whether that’s exploding across... more »

Cross-training for sport-specific athletes

Cross-training is a series of exercises that utilizes a variety of training outside of their main sport to develop improvements in fitness. Coaches have been utilizing this type of training in performance development for a... more »

Youth-specific strength training methods

Strength training can provide a plethora of positive benefits to our youth as long as they are interested in strength training and the program that is directed for the adolescent is properly supervised preferably through... more »

The differences between aerobic & anaerobic exercise

The Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC), the American College of Sports Medicine, and the U.S. Department of Health all recommend at least 30 minutes of exercise five days a week for anyone between... more »

Exercises to help female golfers

Strength and mobility are two crucial pillars of golf fitness that all golfers should incorporate to improve their game and prevent injuries. This is particularly important for female players, who have a menstrual cycle and... more »

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