Dec 28, 2016
Strong Start

This past summer, we launced High School Athlete Performance as a way to provide information about strength and conditioning to sport coaches. We’ve covered topics from Olympic lifts to safety in the weightroom.

What articles did readers like best? Below are the top ones:

1. Bench Press Basics: The bench press is something everyone thinks they can do without instruction. But if you ignore the basic mechanics, you set the athlete up for failure. Find the article here.

2. A Simple System: Looking for a training program that improves explosive acceleration, proprioception, stability, speed of movement, and functional flexibility? The Hatch System does all this, with only a barbell and a set of bumper plates. Find the article here.

3. Gaining Ground: Behind the success of Clemson University’s football team is a strength training program that produces in-season gains. Here’s a look at the five core lifts that the Tigers use. Find the article here.

4. Four Steps to Success: One of the most challenging aspects of training high school athletes is balancing the needs of an entire team with individual players. Utilizing the Four Step Method provides a solution. Find the article here.

5. Power on the Court: What are the best lifts for developing explosiveness in basketball players? A state champion coach lists his top five. Find the article here.

6. Formula for Success. There are many paths to developing strength in athletes, but doing so with high school students requires a careful approach. Matt Chandler says there are four specific areas to focus on. Find the article here.

Now it’s your turn. What topics would you like HSAP to cover in 2017? Would you like to contribute to the enewsletter? Please email feedback to: [email protected].

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