Jan 29, 2015
NSCA Lists Recognized Education Programs

Future strength and conditioning coaches looking for help in picking a school to attend can turn to the National Strength and Conditioning Association.

Through its four-year-old Education Recognition Program, the NSCA offers students a way to determine which schools have met educational standards established by the association.

In order to be placed on the Education Recognition Program list, schools must provide required and suggested courses in several areas, including sports and exercise science, anatomy, biomechanics, physiology, exercise technique, and nutrition. With the addition of four schools—James Madison University, The College of New Jersey, Ohio Northern University, and Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi—during its winter application program, the program has recognized 51 schools to date.

“The Education Recognition Program is the first recognition of its kind that provides academic institutions with a tool to attract students who are interested in pursuing a career in strength training and conditioning,” says Michael Barnes, CSCS*D, NSCA-CPT, NSCA Education Director. “We commend these schools for taking proactive steps in making sure that their curriculum provides students with appropriate information.”

The NSCA reviews applications from educational programs twice a year, with application deadlines of Jan. 1 and June 1. Application information and forms, as well as a list of currently recognized schools, are available on the NSCA Web site: www.nsca-lift.org/ERP.

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