Mar 1, 2008
March 2008: Pooling Resources

Nuber G.W., F.W. Jobe, et al. “Fine wire electromyography analysis of muscles of the shoulder during swimming”. American Journal of Sports Medicine 14 (1986): 7-11.

Becker, K.M., M.O. Erlanson, et al. “A comparison of serratus anterior muscle activity during prone exercises in water and on land as measured by a clinical EMG unit.” St Paul, Minn., College of St. Catherine (unpublished master’s thesis), 1996.

Fuller, R.A., K.K. Dye, et al. “The activity levels of the Vastus Medialis Oblique muscle during a single leg squat on the land and at varied water depths”. Journal of Aquatic Physical Therapy 7, no. 1 (1999).

Kelly, B.T., L.A. Roskin. “Shoulder muscle activation during aquatic and dry land exercises in nonimpaired subjects.” Journal of Orthopaedic and Sports Physical Therapy 30, no. 4 (2000): 204-210.

Stowell T., R. Fuller, et al. “An aquatic and land-based intervention to improve functional mobility for an individual after an incomplete C6 spinal cord lesion.” Journal of Aquatic Physical Therapy 9, no. 1 (2001).

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