Jul 1, 2014
July/August 2014: Ahead of the Game


Akhavan S, Kiderman A, Snell ED, DeMeo PJ, Kelly KM, Quigley MR. Early results of oculomotor testing in evaluating sports concussions. Presented at the 2014 AAOS Symposium. 2014.

Beckwith JG, Greenwald RM, Chu JJ, et al. Head Impact Exposure Sustained by Football Players on Days of Diagnosed Concussion. Med Sci Sports Exerc. Nov 6 2012.

Broglio SP, Cantu RC, Gioia GA, et al. National Athletic Trainers’ Association Position Statement: Management of Sport Concussion. J Athl Train. Mar 7 2014.

Duma SM, Manoogian SJ, Bussone WR, et al. Analysis of real-time head accelerations in collegiate football players. Clin J Sport Med. 2005;15(1):3-8.

Galetta KM, Barrett J, Allen M, et al. The King-Devick test as a determinant of head trauma and concussion in boxers and MMA fighters. Neurology. Apr 26 2011;76(17):1456-1462.

Galetta KM, Brandes LE, Maki K, et al. The King-Devick test and sports-related concussion: study of a rapid visual screening tool in a collegiate cohort. J Neurol Sci. Oct 15 2011;309(1-2):34-39.

King D, Brughelli M, Hume P, Gissane C. Concussions in amateur rugby union identified with the use of a rapid visual screening tool. J Neurol Sci. Jan 29 2013.

Mayfield RM, Bay RC, Valovich McLeod TC. Post-Concussion Deficits Measured by the Sport Concussion Assessment Tool 2 (SCAT2) Among Interscholastic Athletes. Athl Train Sports Health. 2013;5(6):265-271.

McAllister TW, Flashman LA, Maerlender A, et al. Cognitive effects of one season of head impacts in a cohort of collegiate contact sport athletes. Neurology. May 29 2012;78(22):1777-1784.

McCrea M, Kelly JP, Randolph C, et al. Standardized assessment of concussion (SAC): On-site mental status evaluation of the athlete. Journal of Head Trauma Rehabilitation. 1998;13(2):27-35.

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