Oct 24, 2016“Fundamental Plyometrics using Boxes and Barriers” – Powered by Perform-X™
Athletes and individuals crave accomplishment. Whether on the competitive field, in the classroom, or on the job, a sense of accomplishment occurs when something is overcome, and that satisfaction is even greater when that something is ‘HARD’. Strength and conditioning usually involves overcoming a weight or resistance, but in sports performance applications, one is typically overcoming resistance of another kind – time, reps, distance, or height. Height seems to be something inherent in us as humans that drives and motivates us. High jumpers, pole vaulters, divers, basketball and volleyball players, even professional snowboarders are obsessed with height, either by overcoming it or pushing its limits.
Plyometrics applications were founded on improving height, a.k.a. enhancing lower body power. The ability to either jump on a box, jump off a box, or immediately jump onto a box after jumping off of a box, led to the original plyometric movements and programs that many coaches still use today. All of these concepts are based on solid research that confirms that if we apply a force to an object (the ground) on a consistent basis and at various distances (heights), we should improve the body’s ability to not only withstand these forces, but to also overcome them at a higher capacity than before. The question becomes “When?” In the last two articles (Fundamental Plyometrics”