Mar 15, 2017
Finalist: Heidi Wilker

Training & Conditioning and School Health were swamped with deserving nominees for our 2017 Most Valuable Athletic Trainer Award. In the spirit of celebrating National Athletic Training Month, we’re highlighting our five deserving finalists each week in the month of March. This week’s honoree is Heidi Wilker, ATC, PT, Athletic Trainer at Belding (Mich.) Area Schools. The 2017 winner of the Most Valuable Athletic Trainer Award will be revealed in our May/June issue.


For the past 19 years, Heidi Wilker, ATC, PT, has served as Athletic Trainer for Belding (Mich.) Area Schools. Over this time, she has earned the respect of the coaches and student-athletes she works with, and she has gone above and beyond her designated role to help those around her.

In her role as athletic trainer, Wilker has developed a program that provides student-athletes with the opportunity to receive preparticipation physical exams at a reduced rate. She has done this by partnering with doctors and other qualified professionals from the local community who volunteer their time.

In addition, along with being a certified athletic trainer, Wilker is also a licensed physical therapist. This has allowed her to provide physical therapy for student-athletes who are unable to go elsewhere for treatment.

[Heidi] is an individual who takes her job very seriously

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